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This website is owned and managed by JUNGLE SAFARI INDIA, We Are a Tour Operator that organizes Tadoba Tour Packages & Safari Packages,
Safari Gate will be allowed as per the availability. Any of the gate can be alloted among the selected zones.

Tadoba Safari Booking

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Tadoba National Park Safari Booking

The safari of Tadoba National Park gives a fantastic opportunity to explore the vibrant flora and fauna of one of India's most renowned Tiger reserves. Located in the Chandrapur district, also known as the biological hotspot of Maharashtra, Tadoba National Park Safari brings excitement when encountering the Bengal tigers in their natural habitat. Apart from Bengal tigers, Taboda is also home to leopards, wild pigs, sambar, chital and wild dogs, sloth bears, and a variety of species of birds. It is mainly a tropical dry deciduous forest but dense enough. Hence an expert guide is always advisable to spot the elusive Bengal Tigers easily.

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Tadoba Core Zone Booking Pricing

Booking in 4-59 Days Monday to Friday Saturday and Sunday
Amount INR 7000 INR 8000
Booking in 60-120 Days Monday to Friday Saturday and Sunday
Amount INR 9800 INR 14300
Booking in 1-3 Days(Tatkal) Monday to Friday Saturday and Sunday
Amount INR 16000 16000
Central Core Zones

1. Tadoba Zone: extends from Kolara and Navegaon Gates

2. Moharli Zone: extends from Moharli and Khutwanda Gates

3. Kolsa Zone: extends from Zari and Pangadi Gates


Jeep Safari in the Jungles of Tadoba National:-

The open-hood jeep safari through the forest brings a thrill to the heart as you travel through the deep woods. Tadoba National Park has 20 different zones allowing tourists to explore the Park from various corners, including grassy meadows, bamboo-enriched hilly terrains, wide river beds, and deep valleys.

Canter Safari Booking:-

Canter is a long open bus accommodating around 18-22 people. There are 2 guides present, and this safari can only be both booked on the spot at Moharli gate and online. If required to book offline beforehand, one must visit the office of DFO in Chandrapur. Most importantly, Tadoba Canter Safari is only available at Moharli in Tadoba. It's a cost-effective way to add more value to your trip as Canters follow the jeep path and take you to some unexplored parts of the jungle.

Erai Dam Taboda:-

The Erai Dam (also known as the Irai Dam), built on the Ira River, is a tranquil getaway to witness some of the best game views and enjoy the serenity of Tadoba.

Although artificial, this earth fills, and gravity dam is a must-visit to understand the correlation between the history and geography of the area and enjoy some calm, quiet, soothing beauty of nature.

The dam is approximately 98 ft in height and 5,310 ft in length, and its gross storage capacity is 54,340.24 cu mi.

Tadoba Online Safari Booking:-

Tadoba attracts tourists from its own country and the entire world due to its growing tiger population. As per the last held census, Tadoba is home to 88 tigers, making tiger spotting possibility high. It is always advisable to plan for the Tadoba National Park jungle safari well in advance, as there are limited seats. Hence online booking is a must. Booking closes by 5:00 PM for the next day's safari. A maximum of 6-person accommodation is allowed for Jeep safari, and for Canter safari, it's shared for 18. Safari timings are 6:30 AM-11:00 AM and 2:30 PM - 6:30 PM. Please remember to go through the terms and conditions for online booking.

Tadoba is Famous Wildlife Destinations in India

Tadoba National Park, in Maharashtra, is one of India's largest tiger reserves and one of India's most well-known Wildlife Destinations due to its varied and rare flora and fauna and, most notably, the healthy population of Royal Bengal Tigers. The peak time to visit is October - June, as the best time to spot tigers is in the Summer, around May. The off-season is regarded as July to September. Not only is it famous for the jeep safari, but people get mesmerized by the fantastic sunset view over the water bodies and the historical relevance of the place that adds to the thrill

Book Your Tadoba Holiday Tour Packages

Tadoba Weekend Tour - 1Night / 2Days


Tadoba Weekend Tour - 1Night / 2Days
  • Welcome Drink
  • Breakfast, and Dinner
  • Adventure activities
  • Nightstay at wildlife resort
Tadoba Holiday Tour-  2Night / 3Days


Tadoba Holiday Tour- 2Night / 3Days
  • Welcome Drink
  • Breakfast and Diner
  • Adventure activities
  • Nightstay at wildlife resort
Tadoba 3 Nights / 4 Days Package with 3 Jeep Safari


Tadoba 3 Nights / 4 Days Package with 3 Jeep Safari
  • Welcome Drink
  • Breakfast, and Dinner
  • Adventure activities
  • Nightstay at wildlife resort

History of Tadoba National Park

The history of Tadoba National Park dates back to the reign of Raja KhandkhyaBallal Shah, who formed the Chandrapur district in the 15th Century. Tadoba was then ruled by the Gond tribe mainly. The Gond kings reigned central India back then, and the Chandrapur district was their capital.

The name “Tadoba” has been derived from the name of the local tribal God “Taru”/ “Tadoba". The locals believe that the clan chief "Taru" was killed in a legendary encounter with a ferocious tiger. Because of this incident, a shrine was also built at the Tadoba Lake, regularly worshiped by local Adivasis. In addition, from December to January every year, an event and a fair where Adivasis congregate and celebrate the historical event are organized.

More interesting is the history of the 4 tiger sisters of Tadoba. As narrated by local guides, Sonam was a cub to the Tadoba Queen Madhuri and King Wagdoh. Along with Sonam were born Mona, Geeta, and Lara, and together they were the famous "Telia Sisters”. But Sonam, being the most powerful, imposed her superiority on driving away the 3 other sisters and her mother and reigned in the Tadoba Lake region. She also delivered her litter successfully, contributing to the tiger population of Tadoba. Today Tadoba is one of the 51 Tiger Reserves projects in the country

The area was legally declared a national park in 1935, keeping intact a critical bulletin, "Shooting of tigers is illegal in Tadoba National Parks and its surrounding area," ~ which was declared a few years earlier in 1905. In 1942, shooting ranges in Tadoba was announced as the game reserves with Karwa, Kalsa, Moharli, and Mul blocks, and the permits were issued in Karwa and Kalsa blocks.

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A detailed chronology of TATR is listed below:

1873- British started planned fire protection in Tadoba

1879- Tadoba is declared as the Reserved Forest

1905- Tiger shooting was prohibited except for blocks with ‘special permits’

1907- First forest rest house was built by Britishers

1931- Restrictions were placed on the shooting of all the animals

1935- 45- A Total of 45 sq. km. of the area covered by the Tadoba lake

1942- Tadoba declared as the game reserves for shooting blocks

1955- Tadoba National Park116.55 sq. km area was notified

1968- Collection of all Non-Timber Forest Produce (NTFP) prohibited

1973- 74- All four hunting blocks closed for hunting

1986- Tendu leaf collection was banned within the national park

1989- Andhari Wildlife Sanctuary was transferred to the Tadoba National Park Division

1992- NTFP collection was wholly banned in Andhari Wildlife Sanctuary

1993- TadobaAndhari Tiger Reserve 622.87 sq. km area notified

1997- Management plan for Tadoba Andhari National Park was approved

1998- 2000-Tiger restrictions were placed on tourists and entry of the people and cattle into TATR

2008- Core area of Tadoba-Andhari Tiger Reserve notified

2010- Buffer area of Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserve 1127.17 sq. km notified

2013- Unified control of the entire area was handed over to the field director of Tadoba-Andhari Tiger Reserve

Tadoba National Park Safari Zones

Tadoba National Park Safari Zones are broadly categorized into Core and Buffer Zones. The core zone is a demarcated area where the wildlife and the natural resources of Tadoba are highly conserved, with a bit of human activity.
Whereas in the Buffer Zones, the area surrounding the core zone, little human activity is present.

There are 3 central Core Zones:
  • 1. Tadoba Zone: extends from Kalara and Navegaon Gates
  • 2. Moharli Zone: extends from Moharli and Khulwanda Gates
  • 3. Kolsa Zone: extends from Zari and Pungadi Gates

Buffer Gates of Tadoba

  • 1. Agarzari Gate
  • 2. Devada Adegaon Gate
  • 3. Junona Gate
  • 4. Ramdegi Navegaon Gate
  • 5. Madnapur Gate
  • 6. Mamla Gate
  • 7. Pangadi Aswal Chuha Gate
  • 8. Sirkada Gate
  • 9. Palasgaon Gate
  • 10. Kesalghat
  • 11. Belara Gate

How to Reach Tadoba National Park

By Air: The nearest airport to Tadoba is Nagpur, also known as Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar International Airport. It's 140 km away. Regular flights from Mumbai, Chennai, Bangalore, Delhi, and Kolkata are available. Taxis and cabs are available to reach the park from the airport.

By Train: Chandrapur Railway Station is only 45 km from the park. It's a well-connected railhead from cities like Mumbai, Kolkata, Delhi, etc. Taxis and buses are readily available to reach the park from the station.

By Road: State transport buses regularly ply from Mumbai, Nagpur, and Pune, to Chandrapur and Chimur. Chandrapur is 45 km, and Chimur is 32 km from the Park

Chandrapur is by far the best to approach the National Park as it is well connected to the major cities of India. Any of the facilities mentioned above can be availed to visit “The Jewel of Vidarbha”.

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