With rich biodiversity and a huge number of tigers, Tadoba National Park is a famous wildlife sanctuary among enthusiasts and nature lovers. To enjoy your rides to the fullest without worrying about safety you have to follow certain rules that will ensure proper safety of humans as well as animals. 

Tadoba National Park

Tadoba National Park is a wild location in Chandrapur district, also known as the biological hotspot of Maharashtra. Apart from tigers, this park is home to leopards, wild pigs, sambar, chital and wild dogs, sloth bears, and a variety of species of birds. Along with these animals, you can find many bamboo and teak trees with other flora species. A safari ride in this park will surely be an amazing experience. This park should be on the visit list of people coming to Maharashtra to spend their holidays. To gain more information and book a safari ride in this amazing park you can visit Tadoba National Park Online Booking.  

Do’s in Tadoba 

  1. When you book your rides then permits will be given to you to enter the park, do take them with you. Without permits, entry is not allowed in the park. 
  2. You should always maintain a safe distance from animals and avoid disturbing them while on your safari. 
  3. You should observe the park quietly without making any noise.
  4. You should always follow your guide’s instructions as they know the park better than you.
  5.  There are designated routes for safaris and nature walks inside the park so you have to enjoy there only. 
  6.  Always respect the park’s boundaries and avoid straying into restricted areas.
  7. If you want to see animals from a closer view, use binoculars or cameras, instead of approaching them. 
  8. Try to talk in a lower voice when having a conversation with someone. 
  9. Carry a plastic bag to keep your garbage, and then throw it after coming outside in the dustbin.
  10. Read all the rules and regulations before entering the park.  

Don’ts in Tadoba  

  1. Don’t try to feed animals as it will disturb their natural habitat and they will start depending on humans.
  2. Don’t feed animals because of safety reasons also.
  3. If you find any animal cute, don’t try to touch it, as it can be wild.
  4. Don’t use recorders or any sounds inside the park as animals get disturbed by them.
  5. Don’t use flash photography, especially when photographing animals at night.
  6. Smoking and lighting fires are strictly prohibited inside the park.
  7. Don’t pluck flowers or don’t try to take anything from the park as it will disturb the natural life. 
  8. Don’t take alcohol inside, as it is strictly prohibited.
  9. Talking non-veg inside the park is not allowed. 
  10. Don’t try to get down from the jeep, unless told by your guide.

Conclusion By following these rules and regulations you can have a fun time in Tadoba. If you adhere to these simple do’s and don’ts then surely your safari ride will be thrilling and adventurous in Tadoba National Park. To make your trip more memorable you can choose from our tour packages of Tadoba that will allow you to enjoy the best in less time.

Published by Sanskriti Goyal


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