Tadoba National Park is the land that boasts the presence of the majestic royal Bengal tigers. With the black vertical stripes and muscular body, the tigers are all set to play in action. In Ranthambore, almost every tiger has a dignified reputation and private territory that precedes their lineages. Interestingly, every tiger-lover thronging to Tadoba National Part has a happy tiger story to take home.

Although it is difficult for visitors to identify the famous tiger T-60, aka Indu, among the other tigers, her unusual movement and enthralling walking make her appeal different to the travelers who come to get a sight of her.

Fantastic news became viral on the web recently; T-60, aka Indu, appeared with her 2- months old cub in the safari zone 2, and travelers got the luck to sight the tigress with her little one strolling alongside the water bodies in Tadoba National Park.

Let us introduce with Tigress T-60 in Tadoba National Park

She is the daughter of the tigress T-31, she is well known with the name of junior Indu. She is relatively young, beautiful, quiet but adamant, and is famous for her efficient ability to chase other wild animals. She has spent her childhood at Indala valley and her mother Indu, aka T-31, which is not included in the tourism zone. She is currently roaming in the park’s Gandhara region and is sometimes also seen in the tourist area. It has also come into news that T-57, the male-dominated tiger of Tadoba National Park, has been sighted recently in her territory. Hopefully, she has been sharing her territory with him. 

Which Zone is Her Territory, and where was She Spotted with Her Cub?

T-60, aka Junior Indu, lived in zone-2, ranging to Lahpur Valley, of the Tadoba national park. And there she was spotted with her little cub; earlier, the tigress gave birth to the four cubs. Including – T-97, T-98, T-99 and T-119. After spotting her with her cub, tourists in the park cheered with joy, many of them capturing the moment in their camera. The shriek of the baby echoed in the park, leaving the wildlife lovers filled with excitement.

Ranthambore safari always gives visitors a unique view as they can see the tigers roaming in front of them. Opt for Tadoba National Park before entering the zones. Sometimes, it becomes extraordinary for wildlife lovers, as they can also see the tigress roaming with their cubs in their natural habitats. It is quite amazing to see the tigress with their litter.

The End

Thus, Tadoba National Park has many such stories of tigers and their little ones. If you are planning your vacation, you can visit the park.